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发布时间:2020-04-06 09:48:24

       2020-04-03 · 华人生活









A Letter to US President from the Commander of the Headquarters of the novel coronavirus



Mr. President,


As the commander of the US headquarters of the novel coronavirus, and on behalf of the American family of influenza and pneumonia viruses, I am very sorry to inform you that, due to your stupidity, queerness, arrogance, and negligence, you have missed the opportunity to save the United States. Now, our viral army has taken over US, and even the world.


The ancient Chinese summarized military strategies and tactics into Thirty-Six Stratagems, of which one is to “make a feint to somewhere and attack in another place”, but I don’t think you or Pompeo would have studied it, or failed to true understanding of the art of war even if you did spend time studying it. As early as last year, we had set up our viral army in US secretly, with a plan to start a World Virus War with US as the headquarters.  



Mr. President,


Though our viral army has killed some Americans, you and Pompeo put the blame on the influenza and pneumonia viruses which had hit US in the past, failing to pay due attention to us. To divert your attention and put you off your guard, our viral army sent a special force which, by secretly following the American soldiers attending the 7th CISM Military World Games held in Wuhan, China, arrived at the city too. 


And then, our army set up a theater headquarters in Wuhan, and launched a massive attack on China in January 2020. As the world’s attention was attracted by Wuhan, our army, by relying on US headquarters, sent elite viruses to attack silently on Italy, Spain and other western countries. And this is our great and perfect Stratagem of “making a feint to somewhere and attacking in another place”.



Mr. President,


You, Pompeo and the other anti-Chinese forces, seeing our viral army attacking China, actually gloated, took pleasure in it and quickly responded by hyping up our army as an international magic virus, in an attempt to frighten China and the world into political and economic decoupling. We would like to express our sincere thanks for your help.


We must mention that when our virus army launched an attack on Wuhan, China, there was a nasty guy from the international community who almost ruined our endeavor. That guy is called Canute, Chinese name Chen Entian. He, based on the data of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, quickly concluded that the virus hitting Wuhan and the US influenza and pneumonia virus are of the same species. 



Mr. President,


The nasty guy also released the so-called Legend of COVID-19 to the international public, warning that the world should not focus on Wuhan but take precautions against a potential outbreak of the US influenza and pneumonia virus. Because Chinese are very afraid of the novel coronavirus, so you and Pompeo use it against Chinese, even you know it and the US influenza and pneumonia virus are of the same species. 


It is likely that your intelligence agency already knew that this nasty guy, in order to verify his intelligence and judgment, instigated the Japanese medical intelligence agency to launch a secret investigation into the US influenza and pneumonia virus. Soon, that damn TV Asahi told the world that the novel coronavirus originated from the US influenza and pneumonia virus.



Mr. President,


We were very worried that you and Pompeo would declare war on our viral army. That would be our darkest hour. Much to our surprise, you two got the CDC to refute the rumor in order to solidify your strategic achievements against China. As a result, our virus army managed to get away with it once again and buy valuable time to take the whole world. To be honest, you and brother Pompeo have done us a great favor. 


Now, our viral army has taken over US and even the world. But you two, in order to deflect criticism and arouse global hatred towards China and ethnic Chinese across the world, claimed the virus to originate in Wuhan, China. Some stupid lawyers even went so far as to sue China, claiming that China should compensate for the lives killed and economic losses caused by the outbreak. Their intention was to bring double threats of virus and race to the global Chinese.



Mr. President,


As commander of the US headquarters of the novel coronavirus, I cannot help but laugh, because your invincible skill of “deflecting criticism” and self-deceiving has made me stunned and filled my heart with admiration. However, you are wrong to think of Chinese people as that stupid, because they are not going to take such a farfetched blame. Do you think the world will believe your lies?  


Such being the case, I proudly remind you that you should feel guilty, raise your hands in surrender, and turn around. Apologize to the American people for your dishonesty. Apologize to the Chinese people for your mean tricks. Apologize to the world for your arrogance and negligence. 



Mr. President,


There is one more thing that has annoyed our virus army, a thing that needs to be cleared up. Our viral army is an ancient influenza virus army armed with globular viruses and coronaviruses. According to American medicine, influenza is an infection caused by an infectious virus, be it a globular virus or a coronavirus, that attacks the upper respiratory tract, the lower respiratory tract, or the lungs.


The “grandstanding, maverick” experts of the Far East, without the consent of our army, took the liberty to name our viral army the novel coronavirus, thus downplaying the fact that our viral army is one with a long history. For the sake of justice, I would like to ask the President to right the wrong, and declare that the real name of our viral army is American Coronavirus.