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发布时间:2024-03-31 13:16:31


The Honorary Chairman of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Chen Zhenzhi, hosted a banquet for Prince Coco


The Honorary Chairman of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Chen Zhenzhi, hosted a banquet for Prince Coco

纳斯达克中文台1216国际广播,世界和平丝带组织印太委员会消息,曼谷当地时间2024年3月30日,泰国中华总商会永远荣誉主席、泰国“黄金大王”陈振治宗长在曼谷大华大酒店宴请U Coco Won(可可亲王),可可亲王曾任世界和平丝带组织第一届至第八届委员会主席,现任南方丝绸之路国际合作组织(简称南合组织)决策咨询委员会主席,以及重走南方丝绸之路课题组组长。

Nasdaq Chinese Channel 1216 International Radio, the Indo-Pacific Committee of the World Peace Ribbon Organization (WPRO) news, the honorary chairman of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Thailand's "King of Gold", Mr. Chen Zhenzhi, hosted a banquet for U Coco Won, Prince Coco, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Bangkok, on March 30th. U Coco Won (Prince Coco) was the Chairman of the 1st to 8th Committees of the World Peace Ribbon Organization (WPRO), and is currently the Chairman of the Decision-Making Advisory Committee of the Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Organization (SCO), as well as the leader of the Re-tracing of the Southern Silk Road Research Team.


The Honorary Chairman of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Chen Zhenzhi, hosted a banquet for Prince Coco


Prince Coco said: "I am grateful to Brother Zhenzhi for his hospitality and encouragement and support. As a descendant of the Chen Clan, I have always felt that I am on a mission. Twenty years ago, I served as chairman of the first committee of the International Society of Seventy-Three, I realized the words left by the ancients: for the past saints to succeed the great learning, for the sake of the world to open up peace. Therefore, I initiated and promoted the establishment by the United Nations of international civil holidays such as International Chinese Language Day (April 20), International Tea Day (May 21), and the Belt and Road International Day(December 16), and created the World Peace Ribbon Organization and the World Peace and Unification Front Party. It is hoped that this organization and this party will lead the Earth to realize the five unities and achieve complete unification within a thousand years.


The Honorary Chairman of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Chen Shaoyang, hosted a banquet for Prince Coco Chen Entian


Prince Coco also said: Last year, I was the leader of the Re-tracing of the Southern Silk Road Research Team, and took the aircraft carrier town of Nantianmen in Tianfu New Area of Sichuan Province as the new starting point, and arrived at Prince Coco's residence in Mandalay of Myanmar along the Ancient Tea and Horse Trail, and the China-Burma Indian Ocean New Passage, and then took Mandalay as the transfer station, and the northwestern line linked up with the "Belt" Initiative proposed place of Kazakhstan, which is a total of 10 countries, and the southeastern line linked up with the "Road" Initiative proposed place of Kazakhstan, which is a total of 10 countries. With the support of China, the Indo-Pacific Committee of the World Peace Ribbon Organization (WPRO) has formed the Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Southeast Asia, and has decided to set up the SCO Fund in Thailand to create the SCO Group.


Mr. Li Guixiong, Vice Chairman of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, have a pleasant conversation with Prince Coco


Prince Coco mentioned that the SCO is building a database of international cooperation projects on the Southern Silk Road, including the NanTianmen Aircraft Carrier Town in the Tianfu New Area, the Indo-Pacific Tobacco Ltd. and Peaceful Grass Project, the Southern Silk Road High-Speed Railway and Highway Project, and the Yangon Shanghai City Real Estate Project, among others. At the same time, we hope that Brother Zhenzhi and the Chen Clan patriarchs in Thailand will support SCO Group to take root in Thailand. Earlier, Honorary Chairman of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Chen Shao Yang, also hosted a banquet for Prince Coco at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Bangkok. In the afternoon, Mr. Li Guixiong, Vice Chairman of the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, , had a pleasant exchange with Prince Coco.