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“一带一路”国际日倒计时:陈恩田祝贺2024 台湾各界促进和平统一大会(中英双语)

发布时间:2024-11-10 10:16:17

“一带一路”国际日倒计时:陈恩田祝贺2024 台湾各界促进和平统一大会

Countdown to the "Belt and Road" International Day: Chen Entian congratulated the 2024 Taiwan Conference on promoting China's peaceful reunification

2024 年 11 月 9 日,距离“一带一路”国际日(12月16日)还有37天,南合组织新加坡管理有限公司消息:当日下午 6 时,国际洪门中华总会在台北市英雄馆隆重举行 2024 台湾各界促进和平统一大会,受到世界和平与统一阵线等国际组织的支持。

November 9, 2024, 37 days before the Belt and Road International Day (December 16). SSCO (Singapore) Management Pte Ltd News: At 6 PM, the International Hongmen Chinese Association held the 2024 Taiwan Conference on promoting China's peaceful reunification at the Taipei Heroes Hall, supported by international organizations such as the World Peace and United Front.


the 2024 Taiwan Conference on promoting China's peaceful reunification

国际洪门中华总会主席刘沛勛博士出席了2024 台湾各界促进和平统一大会并致辞,他表示:自民进党政府执政以来,不承认九二共识,亲美媚日远中国,罔顾岛内要和平、要交流、反战争的主流民意。

Dr. Liu Peixun, Chairman of the International Hongmen Chinese Association, attended the 2024 Taiwan Conference on promoting China's peaceful reunification and delivered a speech, saying: Since the DPP government came to power, it has not recognized the '92 Consensus, it has been close to the United States and Japan and alienated from Chinese mainland, and ignores the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan that wants peace, exchanges, and anti-war.


Dr. Liu Peixun, Chairman of the International Hongmen Chinese Association, delivered a speech

出席盛会的党政军、宗教、妇女、青年及各大民间社团领袖代表约有 500 余人。席间一致声讨民进党政府的倒行逆施,甘为美国棋子,将台湾人民推向战争的边缘。并对终极统一的目标做出了期待。

More than 500 representatives of the party, government, military, religion, women, youth and leaders of major civil society organizations attended the conference. During the conference, they unanimously condemned the perverse actions of the DPP government, which willingly became a pawn of the United States and pushed the Taiwan people to the brink of war. And looking forward to the reunification.


Chairman Chen Entian and Chairman Liu Peixun in Beijing


Chen Entian, Honorary Chairman of the World Peace and Goodwill Association, congratulated Dr. Liu Peixun, Chairman of the International Hongmen Chinese Association. Chen Entian is also the Chairman of the 1st to 8th Committees of the World Peace and United Front (World Peace Ribbon Organization) and Chairman of the Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Committee (SSCO).