The Belt and Road International Day, which is also Commemoration Day of the Joint communique of the P.R.C. and the U.S., what did Trump say?

NASDAQ Chinese Channel 1216 International Radio, December 16, 2024 is the 11th "Belt and Road" International Day, the World Peace and United Front (World Peace Ribbon Organization) Southern Silk Road and Global South International Cooperation Committee (SSCO) congratulates the 46th anniversary of the release of the Joint communique of the people's Republic of China and the United States on the establishment of diplomatic relations.

On the same day, US President-elect Trump held an event at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, followed by a press conference. And in this press conference, one of the points he expressed quickly attracted the attention of the world. That is he bluntly stated that the United States and China can solve all the world's problems together.

1978 年 12 月 16 日,美中双方同时发表了《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国关于建立外交关系的联合公报》,即《中美建交公报》。时隔35周年的2013年,世界和平丝带组织“顺天势、附民意”将12月16日确定为“一带一路”国际日。
The Joint communique of the people's Republic of China and the United States on the establishment of diplomatic relations was released on December 16, 1978, in Washington and Beijing. Thirty-five years later, in 2013, the World Peace Ribbon Organization follow the God's blessing and people's will designated December 16 as the Belt and Road International Day.

SSCO Chairman Chen Entian said: Regardless of whether Trump's event at Mar-a-Lago is related to the anniversary of the release of the "Joint communique of the people's Republic of China and the United States on the establishment of diplomatic relations" and the 11th Belt and Road International Day, I think Trump has said something that is important to the United States, China, and the world. We look forward to U.S.-China cooperation, which can really solve a lot of problems in the world.