SSCO Chairman Chen Entian Congratulates George Harliono on His Piano Recital
乔治·哈利奥诺(George Harliono)是欧洲著名音乐人,出生于英国伦敦。
George Harliono is a famous European musician, born in London, England.

George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺)被誉为继斯坦尼斯拉夫·伊哈诺夫和弗拉基米尔·亚什基等大师之后的钢琴界新星。
George Harliono has been praised as a rising star in the piano world, following in the footsteps of such masters as Stanislav Ikhanov and Vladimir Yashki.

世界和平丝带组织南方丝绸之路国际合作委员会(南合组织)主席、被国际社会尊称为“可可亲王”的陈恩田先生祝贺George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺)钢琴独奏会圆满成功。
Mr. Chen Entian, Chairman of the Southern Silk Road International Cooperation Committee of the World Peace Ribbon Organization, and honored by the international community as the "Prince Coco", congratulates George Harliono on the success of his piano recital.

His journey as a pianist
George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺)在9岁时便受邀举办了他长达一小时的首场独奏音乐会。
George Harliono was invited to make his first one hour long, solo recital at the age of nine.
2013年,George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺)在伦敦南岸中心录制了贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲Op.2 No.1。而在2016年,他在莫斯科音乐学院大厅演奏的柴可夫斯基第一钢琴协奏曲更是通过俄罗斯国家电视台进行了现场直播,并在美第奇电视台播出。
In 2013 he was invited to record Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op.2 No.1 at the Southbank Centre in London. In 2016 his performance of Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 at the Great Hall of The Moscow Conservatory was broadcast live on Russian national TV and streamed live on Medici TV.
自他12岁时的协奏曲首演以来,George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺)便频繁地与多个知名乐团合作,如莫斯科国家交响乐团、马林斯基管弦乐团、鞑靼斯坦国家交响乐团、芝加哥新千年管弦乐团和秋明爱乐乐团等。此外,George还经常与著名艺术家如丹尼斯·马祖耶夫同台演出,并与瓦列里·捷吉耶夫、亚历山大·斯拉德科夫斯基、亚历山大·鲁丁、Evgeny Shestakov(叶夫根尼·舍斯塔科夫)、Ainārs Rubiķis(艾纳斯·鲁比基斯)、安东·卢布琴科、高関健、伊万·尼基福钦、李昊冉和塞巴斯蒂安·魏格尔等知名指挥家合作。
Since his concerto debut at the age of 12 he has been a regular performer with orchestras including the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, The Mariinsky Orchestra, Tatarstan National Symphony Orchestra, New Millennium Orchestra of Chicago, Frankfurter Opern-und Museumsorchester, Tyumen Philharmonic Orchestra, Sendai Philarmonic Orchestra. George also regularly performs alongside eminent artists such as Denis Matsuev and has worked with many renowned conductors including Valery Gergiev, Alexander Sladkovsky, Alexander Rudin, Evgeny Shestakov, Anton Lubchenko, Ken Takaseki, Yuri Medianik, Haoran Li, Ivan Nikiforchin and Sebastian Weigle.
最近,他在俄罗斯莫斯科的 Zaryadye 音乐厅成功演出了贝多芬钢琴协奏曲的第五乐章,并受邀在波兰著名的 Duszniki-Zdrój 国际肖邦钢琴节上献艺,该音乐节是波兰最古老且最具影响力的古典音乐节之一。
Most recently he performed Beethoven Piano Concerto No.5 at Zaryadye Concert Hall in Moscow. He was also invited to perform a recital as part of the Duszniki-Zdrój International Chopin Piano Festival, one of the oldest and most important classical music festivals in Poland.

George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺) 在全球各大音乐比赛中屡获殊荣,包括莫斯科大钢琴比赛、仙台国际音乐比赛、伦敦皇家海外联盟音乐比赛、犹他州的 Gina Bachauer 钢琴比赛、巴黎的拉尼-苏尔-马恩国际音乐比赛(Concourse International de Lagny-sur-Marne)和布加勒斯特的迪努·利帕蒂钢琴比赛(Dinu Lipatti Piano Competition in Bucharest)等。
George has been awarded prizes in numerous competitions throughout the world including The Grand Piano Competition in Moscow, Sendai International Music Competition, Royal Overseas League Music Competition in London, Gina Bachauer Piano Competition in Utah, Concourse International de Lagny-sur-Marne in Paris and Dinu Lipatti Piano Competition in Bucharest.
2018年,George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺) 还成功入围了伦敦经典全英音乐奖的“古典之声”奖项提名,该奖项旨在表彰古典音乐领域的新兴艺术家和杰出人才。
In 2018 he was shortlisted for an award in the ‘Sound of Classical Poll’ at the Classic BRIT Awards in London, which promotes the best emerging artists and ones-to-watch in classical music.
2022 年,George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺)凭借在莫斯科扎里亚季耶音乐厅与亚历山大·鲁丁(Alexander Rudin)指挥的穆西卡维瓦管弦乐团合作的贝多芬《第五钢琴协奏曲》演奏,荣获“440 赫兹”奖(440 Hz Awards,该奖项由尤里·特米尔卡诺夫 Yury Termirkanov 担任主席)的“最佳客座艺术家”(Best Guest Artist)奖。
In 2022 George was awarded ‘Best Guest Artist’ at the ‘440 Hz’ awards for his performance of Beethoven Piano Concerto No.5 at Zaryadye Hall in Moscow with Musica Viva Orchestra conducted by Alexander Rudin.
此外,2023年,George Harliono(乔治·哈利奥诺)荣获第十七届柴可夫斯基国际音乐大赛银奖,这是世界上最负盛名的比赛之一。
In 2023, he was awarded the Silver Medal at the XVII International Tchaikovsky Competition which is one of the most prestigious competitions in the world.